DRAM 192 is very formally described in the UNC course catalog as "Technical Methods: Costume", but in friendlier terms, this is where I learnt to sew. I've always loved drama and theatre, so I took this class with the simple intention of furthering my then major. To my surprise, I fell in love with a department that only has a minor! From this very introductory class where we made but two garments, I went on to work for the CDA costume shop. Although my contributions are always somewhat menial, I've never felt so proud to be a part of something as when I watch a play and recognise all the pieces and all the work that went into them.

I would like to thank my instructor, Danielle Soldat, for being so welcoming and supportive. Thanks to her, I've found a place of unconditional love and acceptance on campus.

Please go look at Danielle's beautiful work! She deserves the world.