"The beauty of running is its simplicity; the beauty of runners is that we all have a similar drive to improve. We are either trying to run a personal best or toeing the line for the first time, which will snowball into a future of trying to run personal bests. We road racers are a tight community of mileage-happy, limit-pushing athletes.” -Deena Kastor

Running has always been a way for me to express myself, relieve stress, and challenge myself. I started competing my freshman year of high school mostly by accident. In the 8th grade I did a local 5K with my mom. I didn't train and I had never run that far before but I really wanted the 5K t-shirt. I ran the race in 21 minutes. More importantly I loved every minute of it and could not wait to do it again. Throughout high school I ran cross country and track. Although not all seasons were good or easy I had fun challenging myself. I continued to challenge my running in college and law school. It is a life-time sport and I am so grateful for everyday I get to run and challenge my body.

Also, as a runner who has struggled with Anorexia throughout my life, I am very passionate about awareness of eating disorders in athletes. I was in treatment during the Summer of 2018 in Georgia at a faciliy called Walden. I am so grateful that I took the time to rest and heal my body. Eating disorders are vicious and have claimed the lives of many women and men. Athletes are at a perticularly high risk for developing eating disorders. The pressure for athletes to be the best along with heightened media/societal scrutiny of athlete bodies and diet can trigger athletes into disordered eating to meet societal expectations. When I was diagnosed with anorexia I had a hard time accepting that I was sick. I convinced myself that my low calorie diet was so that I could be lighter and run farther. It felt like a dark cloud was always hanging around my head. I would run for miles and miles and then eat half a banana to "refuel." Running started to become a challenge and I started to dread the very thing I loved. After passing out during a run I realized I needed help - and that was okay. Treatment was not easy....it still isn't "easy". It is a daily choice that I make to take care of my body and mind. I know that to achieve my running goals and feel alive I need to fuel my body and mind.