
To make the Snake game in the Python computer language, it would be helpful to know about the following items:

  1. Python fundamentals: Knowledge of variables, data types, conditionals, loops, functions, and basic file I/O in Python.
  2. Object-oriented programming (OOP): Understanding OOP ideas like classes, objects, inheritance, and isolation will help organize the game's code structure.
  3. Pygame: you should know how to use Pygame to make graphical displays and handle events.
  4. User input: To direct how the snake moves, you need to know how to record and handle user input, especially computer events.
  5. Basic game creation ideas: To make the Snake game, you need to understand game loops, changing game states, creating pictures, and handling collisions.
  6. 2D arrays and lists: If you know how to work with 2D arrays or lists, you will be able to show the game screen and control where the snake is.