01 | Installing Pygame Library

I have heard it called both pygame and "p-y-game", so I am not sure of proper pronunciation

Download this zip file to get started. After you expand the file, change last to your last name and first to your first name.

Hello from pygame community

The first thing you will need to do in order to create games using Pygame is to install Pygame on your systems. To do that, you can use the following command as recommended by Pygame.org as of 11/14/2023. (Check the site for a more recent version.)

Do this from your terminal root directory and not in the directory where you are working.

python -m pip install -U pygame==2.5.2 --user

Once that is done, you can run the snake.py file which has the import pygame code already at the top.

import pygame

If you see the message

'Hello from the pygame community'

your installation is working fine and we can move on to the game setup.