Start Here: 560 Snake Game

This assignment is based on the YouTube video here: Snake Game in Python Tutorial with pygame 🐍 (OOP)

Here are my thoughts on why I chose this project:

  • It was posted in February 2023 so it is not too old
  • The final working game is only 147 lines of code
  • It is an example of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and uses classes and methods
  • It uses it PyGame so we can have colors and sounds in the game
  • The creator of the video has done an excellent job explaining the concepts
  • It is broken down into multiple steps
  • the process of coding in iterations is demonstrated
  • if a student misses class, the video is a great resource

To get started do not use his video for installing pygame. We went over how to do this in our online Zoom session on November 20th.