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Other Projects

Details are on my GitHub.

Forest (Fire) Regression I Carolina Data Challenge I SEP 2023

  • Constructed machine learning algorithm to combine multiple decision trees for random data sampling forest model with 2 teammates
  • Random Forest Model R² performed 20.3x better than Linear Regression for predicting size of Forest Fires
  • Deployed Pandas and Seaborn Python library to visualize forest fires dataset

Earthquake Classification Model I DEC 2023

  • Developed a robust Earthquake Magnitude Classification AI model utilizing machine learning techniques.
  • Utilized Pandas for efficient data manipulation and preprocessing.
  • Employed Seaborn and Matplotlib for visualizing magnitude data distributions by category.
  • Implemented the RandomForestClassifier from scikit-learn to predict earthquake magnitudes, achieving high accuracy.

Spotify Track Data Analysis I Data Literacy Lab Final Project I DEC 2023

  • Worked in a team to employ advanced data analysis techniques for "Most Streamed Spotify Songs 2023" dataset using Excel for data preparation and RStudio for statistical analysis.
  • Generated impactful data visualizations , including scatter plots and stacked bar charts, to illustrate correlations and trends.
  • Demonstrated statistical proficiency by calculating a correlation coefficient (-0.01054569) and a p-value (0.001119) using RStudio.
  • Interpreted statistical significance, providing insights into the relationship between danceability percentages and the number of streams for solo artists.

Interactive To-Do List I DEC 2023

  • Developed a dynamic and responsive To-Do List application using React, JSX, CSS, and HTML, showcasing an understanding of front-end development.
  • Implemented interactive user interfaces for adding, updating, and deleting tasks, enhancing the overall user experience.
  • Utilized React components and props to create a modular and maintainable code structure.

Playlist Generator I DEC 2023

  • Leveraged a Linear Regression model to make predictions on song popularity, and created a ranked playlist by selecting the top songs with the highest predicted popularity.
  • Implemented data preprocessing techniques, including standardization and feature scaling, to ensure optimal model performance.
  • Proficiently employed Python libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Scikit-Learn for data manipulation, analysis, and machine learning model implementation.

Personal Website I INLS 161 HTML and CSS coding I November 2023

  • Designed and developed a front end personal website on the SILS Opal web server, utilizing a template, HTML, and a CSS stylesheet. You are on it!
  • Implemented server and client-side scripts to enhance functionality and user experience.

Climate Concert I DEC 2022

  • Designed and implemented a multimedia presentation using Java and the and libraries to raise awareness about climate change and sustainable practices.
  • Engineered a versatile image collage feature using a 2D array of Image objects (collageImages).
  • Applied multimedia programming to integrate both visual and auditory elements, expanding the range of communication.

Bakery Simulator I JANUARY 2023

  • Developed a user-friendly cupcake ordering system using Python with features for order processing, budget checking, and menu updates.
  • Ensured error handling for invalid inputs during the ordering process.

Informatrix I Kode With Klossy I JUNE 2022

  • Designed and implemented a responsive and visually appealing website that explores the influence of technology on the world.
  • Leveraged HTML for structuring, CSS for styling. Incorporated dynamic elements using JavaScript to enhance user interactivity.
  • Incorporated navigation pages for introduction, news scanning, statistics, and user contribution, enhancing accessibility.
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Course Work

COMP 210 : Data Structures and Analysis

This course will teach you how to organize the data used in computer programs so that manipulation of that data can be done efficiently on large problems and large data instances. Rather than learning to use the data structures found in the libraries of programming languages, you will be learning how those libraries are constructed, and why the items that are included in them are there (and why some are excluded).

COMP 110 : Introduction to Programming and Data Science

Introduces students to programming and data science from a computational perspective. With an emphasis on modern applications in society, students gain experience with problem decomposition, algorithms for data analysis, abstraction design, and ethics in computing.

INLS 201 : Foundations of Information Science

Examines the evolution of information science; information representation, organization and management; search and retrieval; human information seeking and interaction; organizational behavior and communication; policy, ethics and scholarly communication.

INLS 161 : Tools for Information Literacy

Curriculum includes software use and maintenance, computer applications, and networked information systems. Implementation, design and creation of web pages using basic HTML, basic CSS, and basic server-side and client-side scripting.

MATH 115 : Reasoning with Data: Navigating a Quantitative World

Students will use mathematical and statistical methods to address societal problems, make personal decisions, and reason critically about the world. Authentic contexts may include voting, health and risk, digital humanities, finance, and human behavior.

ENGL 105i : Writing in Digital Humanities

This course explores the impact of technology on society and the uses of new digital methods to analyze traditional materials in the Humanities, such as texts, objects, and archives. students can expect to learn to compose digital environments, generate metadata, create data visualizations for an academic purpose, and to work with groups using a project management approach and software.

AP Computer Science A

The course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design using Java language. Foundational concepts include data types, sequences, boolean logic, control flow, functions/methods, recursion, classes/objects, input/output, data organization, transformations, and visualizations.

AP Calculus ab

The course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design using Java language.

AP Physics i

Through this course students cultivate their understanding of physics through inquiry-based investigations as they explore these topics: kinematics; dynamics; circular motion and gravitation; energy; momentum; simple harmonic motion; torque and rotational motion; electric charge and electric force; DC circuits; and mechanical waves and sound.


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    I am an undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, majoring in Computer Science and Information Science. My academic journey encompasses software engineering, data analysis, information management, and software development. Actively engaging with the computing and technology community has always been my passion. I am committed to continuous learning and growth, and I am eager to apply my knowledge to contribute to solving real-world challenges that transform the advancing field of technology.

  • Throughout high school, I led and participated in organizations addressing the gender gap in technology, such as GirlsWhoCode and UNC's Women in Computer Science.

  • Through my leadership, I received the 2023 NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing as the Raleigh Durham Coast Affiliate Award Winner.

  • During the summer, I worked as a Website Developer and Intern for Connect In Place, an educational non-profit.

  • Currently, I am a Project Team Member for the UNC's Computer Science + Social Good Organization, collaborating with a team to enhance and implement new software systems for clients.

  • Additionally, I am the Curriculum Development Specialist for Carolina Analytics & Data Science's Data World Program, which aims to support and create data science education for local high schools. My job responsibilities include managing educational material for the Applied Machine Learning course.

  • I've also been involved with and discovered a passion for UNC's hackathons, providing valuable hands-on experience with various projects. For example, the Carolina Data Challenge.

Thank you for getting to know me, and feel free to reach out!

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➝ GitHub



i = 0;
								print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';